2024 is mostly behind us and we’ve seen, done, and learned a lot! Mike & Brad are both slowing down the pace, picking and choosing projects and clients…a privilege that comes with both age and success. Consequently, we’ve streamlined and downsized, moving from our 35- year studio to a smaller footprint just down the road. The times they are a changing December 2024.

With the majority of our work in the field for the global marine and aviation industries, and less and less commitment to local advertising production, we simply have little need for a studio and the wasted space. Cleaning out 45 years of accumulated “stuff” was no easy task, but something we’ve been meaning to do for several years now.

The Arriflexes have gone the way of the Hasselblads that left a few years ago, and a full studio of Mole-Richardson lighting and cabling has given way to the new realm of portable LED fixtures with batteries and few zip cords. Our fleet of photo and support boats and aircraft have no realistic replacements, and we can’t do what we do without them, so they’re still earning their keep daily.

The majority (not all!) of our helicopter work has shifted to drones, but sometimes there’s just no substitute for a helicopter and good stick in the pilot’s seat. For our renowned aviation work, only an aircraft can keep pace with an aircraft, but the drone sure is nice for trackless dolly shots and overheads!

All this is to say, and I quote, “The times they are a-changing”. And that’s not necessarily a bad thing! The video production and photography business still takes us around the world and across this beautiful country, just with considerably less baggage, and that includes a full video edit suite in the backpack!

It’s been a good year to add to the previous 44. Ain’t life Grand!

The Times They Are A Changing December 2024